The last election gave Democrats the White House and firmer control of Congress. That power shift has been reflected on K Street, where Democratic lobbyists, not long ago relegated to almost an afterthought, are once again in vogue. What follows is The Hill’s annual effort to name a few of the best lobbyists for hire…Read More…
Rep. Jim McCrery (R-La.), the ranking member on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, is making the jump to K Street. The retiring 10-term member is joining Capitol Counsel as a partner in January, the firm announced Thursday. The move pairs McCrery and his Ways and Means creds with firm founder John D. Raffaelli,…Read More…
[Among the top lobbyists listed in the Washingtonian’s “Hired Guns: The City’s 50 Top Lobbyists” are:] John D. Raffaelli, Capitol Counsel. … Raffaelli began his lobbying career in partnership with Democratic fundraiser and former party chair Terry McAuliffe. When the Republicans captured the White House in 2000, Raffaelli says he figured a name change…Read More…
What David Jones does is very personal. Intimate even. “It is a relationship,” he says. “It is personal contact. It is writing notes on birthdays, phone calls, personal visits.” What David Jones does is raise money for Democratic politicians. Lots and lots of money. He has raised money for Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Charlie Rangel,…Read More…
Two of the most experienced Democratic tax lobbyists in Washington have joined forces with a team of Democratic fundraisers and operatives to form what likely will emerge as one of Washington’s premier boutique lobbying shops. The firm, Capitol Counsel LLC, will focus almost exclusively on two of the most powerful committees in Congress: the House…Read More…