Drew Goesl

Partner /

Drew Goesl is a partner at Capitol Counsel, LLC. With two decades of Capitol Hill and private sector experience, Goesl has earned the reputation as a highly regarded and experienced consensus builder in Washington. He possesses a keen understanding of federal policymaking and the nuances of Capitol Hill politics. He excels in the arenas of government affairs, corporate strategic advisement, issue advocacy and public relations. Goesl has shaped effective messaging strategies and achieved legislative success at the highest levels of government, and clients regularly seek his robust relationships with members of Congress and staff on both sides of the aisle in the House and Senate, the administration, and the national media. He has represented a variety of clients across the spectrum, from Fortune 500 companies to non-profit organizations. Goesl is skilled in the issue areas of tax, energy and commerce, financial services and health care.


  • University of Arkansas College of Business – B.S.

Positions Held

  • Office of Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR), Washington, D.C. – Chief of Staff. Goesl directed Congressman Ross’s leadership responsibilities for the moderate Blue Dog Coalition. Goesl was responsible for advancing the coalition’s overall agenda in the complicated health care overhaul of 2009.
  • Office of Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Washington, D.C. – Communications Director. Goesl served as senior adviser, chief communications strategist and spokesperson for the senator.

Memberships / Recognition

  • United States Senate Press Secretaries Association – President, 2005 (an elected position).


As a chief of staff on Capitol Hill, through Goesl’s leadership, the Blue Dog Coalition cemented their role as moderate brokers in key White House and congressional negotiations during the health care debate of 2009. Goesl was particularly adept at turning the many complex policies of that debate into understandable language for the press and national media. Early in his tenure at Capitol Counsel, Goesl helped lead a diverse coalition of dividend-paying companies, investor organizations and trade associations to make permanent low tax rates on capital gains and dividends to provide certainty to investors, stability to the economy, and a strong foundation for long-term economic growth. These efforts were successful in 2010 (the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010) and in 2012 (the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012). Since that time, he has achieved numerous successes for clients in legislative efforts ranging from annual spending bills to the most recent tax reform bill passed by Congress and signed into law in 2017.