Jay Heflin

Principal /

Jay Heflin is a principal at Capitol Counsel, LLC, with over two decades of experience in tax policy. He spent more than ten years reporting on federal tax policy for several prominent Capitol Hill news organizations, including The Hill, Roll Call, The Bureau of National Affairs, and Tax Analysts. His reporting covered a wide range of topics within the tax code, from individual tax relief to corporate tax developments. Heflin’s direct experience working with IRS officials on high-stakes audits gives him a practical understanding of how tax laws affect everyday lives. This expertise has enabled him to forge lasting relationships with Members of Congress, their staff, and key decision-makers at the agency level.


  • Butler University – B.S.

Positions Held

  • Eide Bailly – Director of Tax Legislative Affairs
  • The Washington Examiner – Business Editor
  • Federal Policy Group LLC – Director
  • The Hill – Senior Reporter


  • Co-authored the book “Get It Together by 30: And Be Set for the Rest of Your Life,” which offered college graduates insights into landing career-oriented jobs.